We’re a week or two before I normally plant onions here in the Tri Cities, and once again I have onion plants for sale from Dixondale Farms. These healthy starts have worked very well for me in previous years, which is why I offer them to you.
As last year, they are $2 for a bunch of 30, or $3 for a bunch of 60. I have lots of the Walla Walla sweets, of course, but I also have a few others that have been recommended to me.

Ailsa Craig
Said to be one of the largest growing varieties available, this is an open pollinated sweet onion.
Hybrid yellow storage onion. Not as sweet as a sweet onion, but sweeter than most storage onions.
Red Zeppelin
Hybrid, full flavored red storage onion. These were early and very good quality in my garden last year.
Sharp red storage onion, highly recommended, but new to me.
Walla Walla
Large, open pollinated sweet onion. This one needs no introduction.
Email at onions@midcolumbiagardens.com to request delivery in Richland (Friday afternoon or Saturday evening this week) or to arrange to pick them up in South Richland. Or, you may call (509) 713-2010 and leave a message.