Onion Plants

Garden Onions

As in previous years, we will have onion sets at the Mid-Columbia Market at the Hub/NW Food Hub on the corner of Goethals and Gillespie in Richland, starting Thursday, March 13th.  They will be bundled in groups of 30+ for $2. This year we have three old favorites, and a new red which is recommended as a replacement for the discontinued Mars variety that was so popular.

Ailsa Craig
Said to be one of the largest growing varieties available, this is an open pollinated sweet onion.
Hybrid yellow storage onion.  Not as sweet as a sweet onion, but sweeter than most storage onions.
Red River
Hybrid, sweet red onion. Should size up quickly and keep well for a non-storage onion.
Walla Walla
Large, open pollinated sweet onion.  This one needs no introduction.